Thursday, July 9, 2009

dear sloane 07.09.09

dear sloane:

today i thought i lost you! we're staying in auntie em's while we get our hardwood floors redone on a futon in the basement. i was in the bathroom putting on my make-up before work while you were in bed with dad and when i was done, you were GONE! i frantically searched the basement with no luck, then ran up the stairs to find you at the front door playing with my keys. you scared the sh*t out of me! normally you wake up slowly.....we cuddle for a bit, and when you're fully awake you explore. apparently not any more!

please don't do this again.



Kathleen Sauerbrei said...

I am laughing here Ainslie....I lost Maura when she was about Sloanes age. She climbed out of her crib and wandered into the closet and fell asleep under a shoe rack in the back.
After having police and everyone look for my "Lost child" a grandfatherly type Sargent, checked out all the closets and found her.
I have never ever forgotten how scared that incident made me.
So very big hugs to you and I hope you have recovered. Nothing can scare a mommy more.
(Big,Big,Big hugs to you!)
Auntie ~~Kitty

Ainslie Rimmer said...

ha ha! that is scary!! what a little stinker.....i would have been terified.